Harwich Happenings
Princess and the Pea
A new adaptation by local playwright Kristin Stewart, with original music by Fionn Pina Parker. Prunella (Prin) and Prince Frances are both coming of age and following their passions: Prin is off on an adventure to become a musician, as Prince Francis sneaks down to the castle kitchen to become a great chef and search for the final ingredient to his sensational new recipe. A team of chambermaids juggle mattresses and banter that will have you laughing out loud. The King, an expert gardener, and the Queen, a brilliant leader, perfectly and hilariously complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses as they await the fulfillment of the royal prophecy: When the time is nigh and Francis comes of age. Heed these words, wise and sage Harmonious music will be played And glorious union shall be made Tween Prince and Princess Happiness shall be. Only with the lass that feels the pea. This comedic new take on an old tale shares the power of laughter, music, friendship, and following your dream. May 16-June 9

Date and Time
Sunday May 26, 2024
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
May 16-June 9 Sat and Sun at 2pm Sensory Friendly Performance May 26 at 2pm
Cape Cod Theatre Company/HJT 105 Division St. W. Harwich, Ma 02671
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