Harwich Happenings
Chase Library A to Z Literacy
Local resident Betty Trummel is the featured speaker. Betty's work with the non-profit organization A-z Literacy Movement, has led her to Zambia five times to work with pupils and teachers. Betty's slide presentation will demonstrate why her literacy work here and with her colleagues in Zambia means to much to her.
FREE February Vacation Family Matinee - THE GARFIELD MOVIE
FREE February Vacation Family Matinee - THE GARFIELD MOVIE Playing Friday, Feb. 14 to Thursday, Feb. 20 at 9:30 a.m. p/u Fre Passes at the Box Office.
Legal Workshop
The Harwich Chamber of Commerce is presenting a four part Legal Workshops Series with Attorney Tracey D. Smith. Each month there will be a new workshop for our members.
Live at 5:05- Business After Hours
Join us for our Member Networking Social New Live at 5:05 Business After Hours- Our Hosts this month is Harwich Paint & Decorating
Legal Workshop
The Harwich Chamber of Commerce is presenting a four part Legal Workshops Series with Attorney Tracey D. Smith. Each month there will be a new workshop for our members.
Legal Workshop
The Harwich Chamber of Commerce is presenting a four part Legal Workshops Series with Attorney Tracey D. Smith. Each month there will be a new workshop for our members.