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Dennis-Harwich Lions Club
Membership and Club Association
About Us
he Dennis Harwich Lions Club celebrated 50 years of service to the Cape Cod community and beyond. We were charted December 13, 1967 by then President John A. MacNaught, Jr. and 50 other men from Harwich and Dennis. Since then we have sponsored two other Lions Clubs in Chatham and Sandwich. We now have 30 members, both men and women. We are always looking for new members!
We are well-known for our local service and fundraisers throughout the year. 100% of our donations are returned to the community both locally and internationally including:
Sight loss education and prevention
Collecting used eyewear and hearing aids which are sent worldwide
Diabetes education, research and treatment
Supporting Massachusetts Lions Eye Research; especially dedicated to Macular Degeneration and facilitating corneal transplants
Worldwide Disaster Relief
Support of local charities (Salvation Army, Food Pantries, Youth Recreation, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cape Abilities).